Schlagwort: Springer ICLR

Issue 2/2021 of „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ appears online today

The wait is over: Issue 2/2021 of „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ appears online today – delivery of the print issues will start soon. Topics include: Cybersecurity in Russia, Portscans, NIS 2, Chinese Data Security Law, the new § 127 StGB. Many articles are open access! We are always looking forward to receive new and interesting […]

International Cybersecurity Law Review: Deadline extended for issue 2/2021

Springer „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ (ICLR): The deadline for contributions for issue 2/2021 has been extended to 1st September 2021! Authors are invited to submit interesting and challenging manuscripts – all papers are peer reviewed. Direct link to the journal:

Call for Papers: ICLR-Ausgabe 2/2021

Call for Papers: Für die nächste Ausgabe des „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ sind noch Slots frei – freue mich immer über interessante Beitragsvorschläge! Weitere Infos zum CfP, zur Beitragslänge, zu Verfahren und Fristen finden sich hier: