This fall, the new European #Cyber #Resilience #Act (#CRA) is coming – and will bring significant changes to product-related cybersecurity across the supply chain as it makes cybersecurity a general product approval requirement in the European market. In 30 minutes, I will explain the upcoming new European cybersecurity legislation in its latest version, which, unlike #NIS2, will also affect many foreign companies that market products with digital elements in the European Union. Specifically, the following aspects will be covered:
- The systematic understanding of the CRA
- Legislative background
- Risks of products with digital elements
- Differentiation between NIS2 and CRA
- Scope of application
- New cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements
- Special obligations for manufacturers, importers and distributors
- Sanctions
- Implementation deadlines
Watch the full video here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlggFiUWrm0