Finally, Big Tech is being held accountable to its size and revenue numbers: For the TV format „Newsmaker,“ I take a stand on EU DSA and DMA, as well as new media regulation in France. Freedom of expression also competes with other fundamental rights in the digital space. This is essential.

France leads the way on a social media crackdown, spreading across Europe. This week, French interior minister Gerald Darmanin announced on Twitter that parliament has adopted a bill to prevent the spread of terrorist content online. He says this text makes it possible to force publishers and web hosts to remove the content within the hour. However, did parliament pass legislation to fight terrorism, or did lawmakers create a new vehicle for censorship?

Joseph Downing LSE Fellow in Nationalism at the European Institute
Dennis-Kenji Kipker Professor of European and International IT Security at the Riga School of Law
Pieter Cleppe Editor-in-chief of Brussels Report
#france #socialmedia #regulation #eu #dsa #dma #consumerprotection #law #denniskenjikipker #news #newsmakers #trtworld