Wo Licht ist, ist auch Schatten: Jüngst hat das Europäische Parlament über den AI Act beschlossen, mit dem wir uns nunmehr schon seit so vielen Jahren beschäftigen und dessen Gesetzgebungsverfahren sich damit nun mehr oder weniger so langsam seinem Ende nähert. Sicherlich ist nicht alles im neuen AI Act unterstützenswert und ja, es wurden zu […]
Schlagwort: TRT World
Google and Universal in Talks Over AI-Generated Music: Interview with TRT World
We are already seeing how AI is driving profound changes in almost all areas of life and work, transforming our economy and society. Newest example: AI-generated music tracks containing the voices of famous musicians, created and marketed without their permission. This has not only legal and economic risks, but also ethical problems when artists suddenly […]
Interview with Newsfeed Magazine: The future of Twitter
Today I had a little TV interview with Newsfeed Magazine, asking me about my perception on the current Twitter managing policy of Elon Musk. In my opinion, Twitter definitely has suffered considerable damage as a brand since Musk’s takeover: Many users have migrated to decentralized solutions such as Mastodon, and in the U.S. there has […]
Interview with TRT World: Elon Musk changes Twitter’s blue bird logo to an ‘X’
You could criticize Elon Musk for a lot of things lately – including his handling of Twitter. But renaming the platform is nothing new and not a spontaneous action. He obviously has big plans for the new „X“ and the change of brand will enable him to convert the entire company to a new service […]
Interview mit TRT World: Will AI chatbots soon be smarter than us?
Will AI chatbots soon be smarter than us? I don’t think so. There will be definitely some changes in how we work and live, but there will always be a need for qualified, trained and skilled people working. And one important thing to mention: The recent developments in AI should not be mixed up with […]
The rise of deepfake technology: Interview with TRT World
With the use of artificial intelligence, the risk of deepfakes is also growing rapidly. Artificially generated images of a rapping pope or the public arrest of Donald Trump prove this more than clearly. In an interview for TRT World, Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker explains the dangers associated with deepfakes and what can be done about […]
Interview on TRT World: Elon Musk and the recent developments in the Twitter case
With his purchase and actions on Twitter, Elon Musk has maneuvered himself offside – people don’t just buy a product, they buy the person behind it. This is currently particularly evident in the Tesla share price crashes. My new interview on TRT World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ8N0dzqHWE #twitter #elonmusk #musk #tesla #stockexchange #socialnetworks #trtworld #bremen #denniskenjikipker
Interview on TRT World: Meta’s policy – If a state creates an anti-platform law, we punish the state
Meta’s policy: If a state creates an anti-platform law, we punish the state. That this does not work has already been shown in Australia. The fact that Meta is now trying the same in the US proves once again that the social network only cares about itself. I take a stand on this. Link to […]
Interview bei TRT World: „Elon Musk fires top executives after taking over Twitter“
Was kann man aus der heutigen Übernahme von Twitter durch Elon Musk für das soziale Netzwerk ableiten? Auf jeden Fall noch nichts Konkretes, aber auch nichts Gutes! Dazu äußere ich mich bei TRT World. Link zum Video-Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roGCm0k_TMM #trtworld #istanbul #turkey #musk #twitter #socialmedia #platforms #regulation #denniskenjikipker
Guest at TV show „The Newsmakers“: Will new french social media law fight terrorism?
Finally, Big Tech is being held accountable to its size and revenue numbers: For the TV format „Newsmaker,“ I take a stand on EU DSA and DMA, as well as new media regulation in France. Freedom of expression also competes with other fundamental rights in the digital space. This is essential. France leads the way […]