Nicht nur #Cybersecurity, sondern #Digitalregulierung ganz allgemein ist mittlerweile zu einer harten #Compliance-Anforderung für unternehmerisches Handeln europaweit avanciert. Deshalb bin ich der Einladung des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Industrie (#BDI) gefolgt, in dieser Woche nach Berlin zu kommen und beim „European Data Summit“ mitzudiskutieren. Thema ist natürlich auch #NIS2, aber eben nicht nur, weil Cybersicherheit zwar […]
Schlagwort: KAS
KAS Cybertrialogue: Encountering the Future in Cyberspace
On Tuesday, I am guest speaker at the KAS Cybertrialogue on the current German and European perspective! In the cyber and information space, territorial boundaries cannot be drawn. State security issues cannot be categorically separated into external and internal security as well. In addition, global networking and the increasing degree of digitalization in society are […]
21st Law Talk in Siem Reap, Cambodia: Regulating Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Economy
Cambodia is drafting a new cybersecurity legislation and is also looking to Germany and the EU: What have we done right, what can be improved? I commented on this virtually on the occasion of the 21st Law Talk in Siem Reap organized by „Konrad Adenauer Stiftung“ (KAS) and presented a summary of the current EU […]