Schlagwort: Law

The Case of Microsoft: Why Software Monocultures Also Play a Role Beyond Antitrust Considerations

What is the point of Microsoft now admitting that it would abolish the product bundling of Microsoft Teams with the group’s Office products?! The legal and competitive market problems will not be solved by the fact that Microsoft announced shortly after the opening of the European antitrust proceedings that it will change its bundling policy. […]

Newest issue of Springer „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ has been published!

Today the new issue of the „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ has been published – with many current topics from South Africa to the Far East and Australia! If you want to take a look at the digital version of the latest issue: #cybersecurity

Encrochat proceedings in Germany: Interview with the German Newspaper „Weserkurier“, translated version

Mr. Kipker, what exactly bothers you about the Encrochat proceedings?I don’t want to talk about an ignorant attitude on the part of the courts and public prosecutors, but it does go in that direction. The court has a duty to clarify. So here is the question of how the Encrochat data was technically collected. The […]

Interview mit TRT World: Fortnite shuts down in China after government enacts game regulations

Dennis-Kenji Kipker, professor of IT security law at HSB City University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, discusses why the world’s most popular video game, Fortnite, has been abruptly shut down in China. It is argued by the Chinese government that computer games and excessive online consumption in general are harmful to the personal development of […]

International Cybersecurity Law Review: Deadline extended for issue 2/2021

Springer „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ (ICLR): The deadline for contributions for issue 2/2021 has been extended to 1st September 2021! Authors are invited to submit interesting and challenging manuscripts – all papers are peer reviewed. Direct link to the journal:

Call for Papers: ICLR-Ausgabe 2/2021

Call for Papers: Für die nächste Ausgabe des „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ sind noch Slots frei – freue mich immer über interessante Beitragsvorschläge! Weitere Infos zum CfP, zur Beitragslänge, zu Verfahren und Fristen finden sich hier:

Erste Ausgabe des Springer ICLR im Buchhandel und online erhältlich

Jetzt im Buchhandel und online verfügbar: die neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift „International Cybersecurity Law Review“ (ICLR), die ich als Herausgeber im Springer Verlag betreue, Digitalabo 79€ jährlich, Print und digital 99€ im Jahr, mehr unter:

International Cybersecurity Law at DSS ITSEC 2019 Riga/Latvia

In the recent years, cybersecurity became a “hot topic” not only in the field of technical implementation, but for legislators all throughout the world as well: Transnational operating hackers, national authorities, as well as NGOs may be involved in cybersecurity threats, and with that, they also promote the political discussion and the creation of new […]